It is almost May!
Time for me to get my flower paintings out to share in the excitement of spring.
I am thrilled to say that I have joined the Salt Spring Gallery, an artist co-op gallery on McPhillips Ave in Ganges. I will be having a show there from May 4 - 14 with an opening on Thursday the 4th from 5 - 7 pm.
I am hoping to show all three of my large (3' x 4') closeups of flowers together for the first time. There will likely be some wildflower paintings and other enchanting subjects. What ends up in the show will be decided on hanging day. I've called the show Enchantment because that is close to what I feel when a certain subject from nature intrigues me or delights me so much it calls out to be painted.

I have been working on small canvases this spring, 12" x 6". I have been having fun choosing scenes to paint, mostly trees, fairly close to home. I am hoping to have a dozen finished for the show but I am always hoping something will turn out a certain way and then being surprised by a change of events and outcome. I've learned not to make firm plans but to have ideas that I am working on and see where they take me.
So, here's hoping that the weather gets warm and sunny soon and I can do some painting outdoors this year. I was so happy to be in New Zealand this winter. It was a snowier than usual winter here and was still snowy when I returned in the middle of February. I was most annoyed! In New Zealand I had done some painting outside and had enjoyed it immensely. My idea is to get back to my oils, with all the fresh air blowing away the delicious toxic fumes that prevent me from using oils in the studio. I am excited to think about it but right now I must stick to my acrylics and continue preparing for my show. I need to make sure I have a good stock of photo cards of my paintings and learn my new responsibilities at the gallery.
Here are the show details. Come and enjoy the enchantment.