I was given this large hexagonal canvas a few years ago. A stranger had seen my small hexagonal paintings, a series I had done in 2004 and offered me two large hexagonal canvasses. Like most people I like free stuff. I puzzled over what to do with them.
At one point I started drawing out an idea for the biggest one, thinking I could perhaps submit it for the Salt Spring National Art Prize exhibition(SSNAP). I didn't get far before I realized it's width was beyond the size limits for that show, and also any other shows I looked into. The canvas was returned to its safe storage spot in the workshop as it was too big to store in my studio.
This winter I found out that because of Covid more shows were going on line where a large painting wouldn't take up any more space than a small one. I decided to make it my winter's project to tackle that big canvas. With travel to warmer places prohibited, I knew I needed something to keep me focused and my mind off the endless winter.
Central to my composition was the box. I pondered how our lives keep us compartmentalized and how we sometimes feel boxed in by responsibilities and other people's expectations. When our parents' lives come to an end an opportunity arises to break free from that chapter of our lives. It is a wake up call as we realize that our lives too are finite. It is a time to regroup and make choices. What will our next chapter look like?
Back in 2017 I switched gears and created a composition for the 33" x 38" hexagon instead. This I submitted to SSNAP and although declined for the main show, it was accepted for the Parrallel Show. Last year it was in the Federation Gallery's ' Painting on the Edge' exhibition where it found a buyer. I called it 'Connected'.
Continuing on the hexagon theme and moving slowly back into the past, here are four of my 18" x 21" hexagons on board. A curious story about them is that I wanted to do this series of hexagons that would sort of fit together and could be displayed in many unique groupings. My father helped me figure out how to make them and did all the tricky angles. After I had painted a dozen of them I was at Opus art store one day and saw they had a new product, prestretched hexagonal canvas almost the same size as the ones we had made! Which makes me think it is true that none of our ideas are our own, they are just out there like fruit, waiting to be picked when ripe, by anyone passing by.
The borage abounds in the garden right now. Unruly and a favourite of the bees, its flowers always add visual excitement to a salad or a fancy dessert or cake.
Petunia Hex
To be honest I have never been a huge petunia fan but the purity of these white ones struck my fancy and the hexagon shape created more punch to the composition.
Hydrangea Hex
And now it is hydrangea season again. Voluptuous and often a large mass of blooms, I enjoyed highlighting the way the blossoms huddled or perhaps cuddled together.
Japanese Maple
Slightly out of season, I just wanted to show this one as it is one of my favourites.
All four of these hexes are still available.
18" x 21" x 1.5" $300
You can contact me through this website if you are interested in purchasing one or have any questions.
Although I have sold ten of these hexagons over the years, it is interesting how most people prefer the ordinary rectangle or square for paintings.
It is hard for many of us to step outside the box.